When He Speaks

When an Israeli mother tells her children to pay attention, she gives a friendly command in “lower" Hebrew.  Takshivli, takshivli tov!  It means, “Listen to me.  Listen to me good.”

The Great I Am is saying the same thing, often through prayer.  Unfortunately we don’t know how to listen when we pray.  This takes practice.  Time spent in prayer is good practice because it develops the “ear” of the spirit. 

During prayer, the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) may remind us of a scripture which applies to our situation.  Or, the Spirit may prompt us with an idea or mental picture.  

Rabbi Paul was praying in Acts 22: 17-18 when God told him to leave Jerusalem.  It is not that Paul’s life was in danger.  But, He had work for him to do elsewhere, and staying in Jerusalem was unprofitable for the kingdom.

I learned of two 28-year-olds who went together to a downtown park in a metropolitan city.  They had decided to go and, in youthful zeal, pray for anyone who might need prayer.  

They arrived and prayed for divine direction.  As they prayed, one of them saw a country flag in his mind.  It didn’t seem to make sense.  But, they were astonished when a little boy ran past them wearing a T-shirt with that flag.  His parents were following him, and his father was limping.  

The young men stopped the little boy’s father, and asked if they could pray for him.  They prayed a simple prayer, nothing fancy, and the man was immediately healed.  

God had spoken to them through prayer.  They knew who to pray for.  Then, when the man was healed, they wanted more than anything to Takshivli, takshivli tov!  They wanted to listen to the Almighty, and listen good.

Published December 13, 2016

Valerie MoodyComment