How We Hear His Heavenly Voice

There are common concerns about hearing the voice of God.  But, scripture assures us that it is possible to recognize His divine guidance.

Biblical Foundations

Isaiah 30:21 emphasizes the clarity of His divine guidance.

John 10:14 and 10:27 illustrate Jesus (Yeshua) as the shepherd whose sheep recognize and follow his voice.

Deuteronomy 4:33 reflects on the unique experience of the Israelites hearing God’s voice.

Practical Example

A personal story of a pastor misinterpreting what he thought was divine instruction to purchase and remodel a house.

Discernment is important in following God's will.  We cannot be overly influenced by circumstances, nor ignore them entirely.

Methods of Divine Communication

Various methods through which God communicates with individuals, supported by biblical references.


Scripture is the foundational way God speaks, and the most reliable way to hear Him (2 Timothy 3:16, Luke 24:13-27).

Audible Voice

He occasionally speaks audibly, Acts 9:10.


His insights and direction can come while we are praying (Acts 22:17-21).


Divine messages can come through dreams (Job 33:15-16, Matthew 2:12, Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:19).


Visions from God are rare and significant (1 Samuel 3:1, Genesis 15:1, Acts 7:56).

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who acts as a divine voice within believers, guiding and speaking to them (John 16:13, Luke 2:25-32).

Wondrous Signs

Actions orchestrated by God to communicate His will (Judges 6:37-40).

Other People

God can use others to convey His messages (2 Kings 5:3).

Why We Can’t Hear Him

Reasons include failure to listen (Isaiah 28:23), disbelief in God’s voice (Psalm 5:3), disappointment (Psalm 13), sin (Isaiah 59:2), fear (Luke 1:12-19), distractions (1 Samuel 3:10), and preoccupation with worldly matters (Luke 8:14).  

We can adjust our spiritual posture to become more receptive to God's heavenly voice.

If He is Still Not Speaking

Persistently ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7).  Trust Him even when He’s silent (Isaiah 50:10).


We cannot attribute voices from other sources (self, others, evil influences) to God.

We verify divine messages with Scripture (Numbers 23:19), a sense of peace (James 3:17, Colossians 3:15), a desire to turn from sin (Psalm 119:11), and glorification of God (John 16:14).


  • Seek and listen to God’s voice above all other voices.

  • God’s methods of communication vary due to His unique relationship with each individual.

  • Prioritize Scripture as a primary means through which God speaks.

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